
59 Game Reviews

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Just finished this for the first time

And thought I'd leave a review ^^

First of all, decent artwork, I've heard you bitching about your artwork before, but it really wasn't bad here, the scrolling background looked nice, and the fruit/vegetables were all well modeled and in proportion lol.

Gameplay was fine, its a shame you had to run on low quality, I'm sure some optimising here and there would have seen it running fine on medium. A very nice selection of weapons, the laser beam was only second in 1337ness to the battle rifle, shame about the flamethrower though, that was a bit of a letdown, but it was only letdown I could find.

I was greatly impressed with the length of the game, not sure whether its been 15 or 25 minutes. The difficulty was very well balanced too, a decent challenge.

The boss battles were the highlight for me, they were all quite inventive, though a couple could be beaten by simple circling around and shooting, still, good stuff.

I was expecting the game to end with Mr potato just getting mashed on the sidewalk anyway after all that hard work, that would have scored you an extra humour point :D But the game brought a new meaning to the term "food fight", that was enough for me.

Choice of sound went down well, the loops sounded a tiny bit jagged when there was a lot happening on screen. but otherwie fine.

A great game, deserved to be on front page as long as it was, and deserved some sort of daily award too in my opinion. Good job!

FrostedMuffins responds:

Thanks T-H. Awesome review, I appreciate it. I don't know why it scored so low, it had all the things people like in games... but ah well, I can't complain since it got on the front page. Ya, I needed to put an ending in, I guess I got a bit rushed and excited when I found out I was going to get paid for it. The flamethrower...... where to start... well, I'll just say it lags like freaking crazy is probrably only better then the cleavers. Wait, scratch that the cleavers were probrably better.
Anywho, thanks a lot!


A very well poilished game, nicely put together, though had some fundamental flaws.

It basically consisted of clicking the end of the screen and waiting, occasionally casting a spell or using an item. This wasn't as boring as I just made it sound, but still when thinking about the game afterward, it seems pretty one-dimensional.

Nevertheless, playing was a nice experiance; when I saw your sig I was sceptical about the graphics but they look very good in motion, they certainly have an attractive look to them.

The menu graphics were brilliant, some of the most professional looking I have seen, the page turn effect was pretty cool, I'd read sham bhangal tutorials on it before so the wow factor was less than it would be for people who had never seen it done before.

The soundtrack was awesome, you couldn't have picked a better score to go with the game, surprised I hadn't heard the tunes used before considering they were from one of the sites most mainstream composers.

I'm not sure why you left the game fairly incomplete, not adding the royal knight and leaving it at only 8 / 9 missions was a mistake (don't know if it was because you were rushing to make GoG deadline or not), but it did leave a noticable hole that was fairly annoying.

A very nice piece of work overall, impressive that it only took you 2 months to develop. : )

Joelasticot responds:

Thanks a lot. As for the Knights and such, well I was pretty much rushing near the end because I wanted to meet the deadline. Anyway, I'm working on the knights right now and I'll probably update soon.

Yey Pandlor

I love the way he holds the shotgun, and I love how retarded the n00bs are, just like reality.



Teee-Haych responds:


Its like Overrun II, but top-down :D

I prime example of "Simple yet addictive". Took a few levels to get into but by level 5 I was hooked. All ran very smoothly, and no glitches at all, polished to the max like all of your work. The shop worked really well as it did in ORII, the auto shoot belt was pretty inventive, I couldn't make sense of the stats at the bottom, but I'm pretty tired so probably just being ignorant.

I do rather like your crazy story lines and unconventional enemy design (the n00bmobile car thing and the Herd sheep were rather fitting as Inglors nemeses')

We really need an Inglor day collection page, I think twenty-something protected submissions is a worthy number, and they were all better quality than most DailyToon/2oons (I don't know whether they have their own page or not though).

You managed a decent filesize considering there was some 3d in there and a good quality game sound loop.

A very nice job considering the fairly short deadline we had to work with (and which fucked me over pretty bad). Hooray!

Great once you get to grips with it

At first the game is completely overwhelming, with so much happening on screen at the same time it is extremely difficult to play at first. After a few more attempts it starts to become really intense and exhilerating, providing a small adrenhaline rush. Graphics are crisp and the theme is totally insane, I loved it.

No problems with controls, and the short tutorial was presented well, unlike most other shooting games where I find instructions to poor quality.

Loved the arcadey feel to the game, with the scrolling high scores and "insert coin", the robotic and high pitched voices added to this as well.

Decent replay value with all those difficulty settings, nice job.

Not bad

Polished menu graphics and nice looking in-game visuals, combine to form a colourful, attractive forest theme. It was good to see you used _x/_y following actions on the bird movieclip, instead of just having it dragged, that really added to the experiance. Some innovative game obstacles, and the general objective was also fairly original.

I'm sure many people have said this already but it really needs sound (as it isn't a KB game). There is stuff out there that would suit this game so well, a playful, bouncy loop while playing would have been good enough.

Decent work overall though, another pleasing arcade boredom killer.

Go0gley you rule

Such a great game, for many reasons.The enemies are great; instead of the majority of scrolling shooters out there, the enemies in this one actually use sensible logic, peeking in and out of the screen to pop a few shots off before hiding instead of just staying where they are, the firing patterns are also inventive, requiring superior dodging skills. The bosses were also unlike anything I've seen in a flash game before, huge mechas that you have to try hard not to just stare at in awe while they waste you.

Its just a far more professional game than the others out there, where enemies travel in a straight line while just firing at constant intervals (booooring).

Its a shame you had to reduce background quality for the sake of performance (couldn't you use high res bitmaps instead of crappy quality vector drawings?) I'm having similar problems with something I'm currently working on.

I know nothing of the original Raiden games, so don't know if you have invented your own weapons, or simply emulated the console/arcade version's. Either way, you did a great job, best use of curveTo() I have seen applied anywhere.

Another impressive feature was the length of the game, It took me something over 50 minutes to finish the first time round, which is again amazing considering the platform, with most flash games such as Dad 'n Me and AH offering a single stage, and you go and manage about 8!

Just downright brilliant, I can't believe you are only 14.

Go0gley responds:

I really did plan using bitmaps at first, but after four levels, I realised the file size shot up to 4000+ KB so I converted them back to vector. On the next game, I'll have a strategy to overcome that problem, so it's fine. Thanks for the review! And no I'm not 14 anymore... :P

Heh Copied/Stolen

Noticed you just took the file from the book Macromedia Flash MX2004 actionscript - Training from the source by Derek Franklin and Jobe Makar, from the lesson 15 files on the CD. You are quite a lazy and unimpressive person, think of something original instead of submitting work from an actionscript training book.


yes that fils from the book actionscript but is only play a kids.im no creatd that game so i accepte that message... i suppose creatd by:Macromedia Flash MX2004 actionscript

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